A visit to the island city-state of Singapore is often a wonderful experience considering its unique nature. However, your stay won’t be short of some limitations since you will need to be cautious in every action that you take. Failure to be wary risks arrest and imprisonment. Below are some of the weird things that may make you subject to arrest while in Singapore. As you secure your Singapore residence visa, these are some things of which you should be wary.
Being Nude at Home – Though it may sound weird, getting out of your shower naked may make you pay. The act of staying naked at home is considered a crime in Singapore according to the law. This applies to even just sitting while enjoying a movie or playing your favorite game. If your neighbor decides to make a complaint after having observed you for about three hours, then you could be jailed for close to 3 months.
Using Your Neighbor’s Wi-Fi – If you happen to come across an unsecured private network in your proximity, then do not use it. Unauthorized use of a Wi-Fi network belonging to someone else without permission is deemed a chargeable offense in Singapore. If you find yourself charged with this, then you may discover that it is difficult to defend yourself. The offense attracts a fine of up to S$100000 or a three-year jail term.
Jaywalking – The next time you think of crossing the road without regard for traffic within 50 meters, you will be committing a crime. The crime is chargeable with up to three months in jail or a fine. This may even get worse if you are a repeat offender since you are liable for a double penalty.
V – Unlawful Importation of Chewing Gum
The importation of chewing gum is illegal in Singapore. It is not only the importation but also the chewing and possession or sale as well that is illegal. The fine may even be higher than for the offense of being caught in the possession of duty-unpaid cigarettes.
Possession of Alcohol in a Public Hospital – Before you visit any hospital for whatever reason, be sure to carry no alcoholic drinks with you. If you are caught in possession of alcohol, it will be confiscated and expose you to a fine of up to S$1000.
Keeping a Cat in a Housing Development (HDB) Property – If you are a pet lover, then consider yourself unprivileged if you plan to live in an HDB. Living in HDB housing renders you ineligible to have a cat since it is prohibited according to HDB housing rules. The fine that one could face is up to S$4000 for this offense
Caught in Possession of Obscene Content – You are most likely to earn yourself a fine and a jail term if found singing or in the possession of obscene content while in public. This attracts a jail term of up to three months.
Getting in Someone’s Way – You do not even need to mess with someone while she or he is walking. In Singapore, it is an offense to prevent those in your proximity from reaching their respective destinations. If it happens, the law has to come into place.
Homeschooling Your Kids – In Singapore, it is a crime to homeschool your children at the age of six years and above. If you find yourself in such a situation, then be ready to spend at least 12 months in jail and pay a further fine for the offense.
Feeding a Wild Animal – Feeding a wild animal is prohibited by the law in Singapore. In your next visit to the national park or the nature reserve, be sure not to feed any monkey or pigeon anything, not even a peanut, since you could be liable for a fine. You are also not supposed to keep any wild animal as a pet.
There are some truly weird things in the list! You wonder how they enforce them.