11 Most Expensive Hotels in London

11 Most Expensive Hotels in London

No city in the world does luxury hotels quite like London. The Swinging City’s oldest five-star guesthouses, like Claridge’s and Brown’s, date back to the Georgian era. Next came the Victorian age and the rise of the illustrious railway hotel, which is the Landmark London and Andaz Liverpool Street. Then, of course, there are the grand…

11 Most Expensive Hotels in India

11 Most Expensive Hotels in India

One of the world’s oldest cultures and civilizations, India also has abundant reserves of natural and modern beauty. It’s a land rich in contrasts, stretching from the Himalayas and Rajasthan’s deserts to mountain ranges and sandy beaches. As grand as India is as a country, so is its hospitality, and while one might not associate…

11 Best 5 & 4 Star Hotels in Lake Tahoe

11 Best 5 & 4 Star Hotels in Lake Tahoe

Lake Tahoe was famously called “the fairest picture the whole earth affords” by Mark Twain, and it holds true even a century-and-a-half later. The beguilingly turquoise blue lake sits against the backdrop of the Sierra Nevada mountains and is North America’s second-deepest lake. So, it’s not surprising that it’s a year-round destination, whether one wants…