Top Things To Do in Kyrgyzstan

Top 10 Things To Do In Kyrgyzstan

Formerly a part of the Soviet Union, Kyrgyzstan is a landlocked country in Central Asia. Although like everywhere many people here also have adopted to modern ways of living but due to its geography, most of the traditional side of the Kyrgyz culture is still intact. Majestic mountains and crystal clear water of its lakes…

12 Places To Visit Before They Disappear

12 Places To Visit Before They Disappear

Traveling the world has been a lifelong dream for many of us. Yet our dreams are challenged year-by-year against some natural conditions causing the extinction of both more familiar and off-the-beaten-track places around the world and their ecosystems. Thousands of indigenous species, habitats, islands and mountains have been at risk for several decades now, perhaps,…

12 Most Polluted Cities In The World

12 Most Polluted Cities In The World

Every year, the World Health Organization releases its list of the world’s most polluted cities and this year, nearly all of them are in India. While the list mainly focuses on air quality, it does consider other types of pollution. Not only do these cities experience a higher rate of health conditions, but pollution also…

The 12 Most Haunted Places In The World

The 12 Most Haunted Places In The World

Hair raising ghost stories and death-defying experiences have always had their fair share of followers. There is something morbidly fascinating about the supernatural, especially ghost stories that have been passed down through the ages. These hair raising tales have gripped the imaginations of many a novelist and filmmaker. However, the truth behind some of these…

The World’s 12 Most Expensive Cities

The World’s 12 Most Expensive Cities

Most people who live in important metros often complain about the high cost of living. Their complaints are usually based on the affordability of finding a home and the daily expenses of running that home. The Economist Intelligence Unit Worldwide, which brings out an annual listing of the most expensive cities in the world, bases…

The 12 Most Remote Islands In The World

The 12 Most Remote Islands In The World

One of the more popular getaway destinations for travelers is a tropical island, characterized by lush green lands, surrounded by the sparkling blue sea, fringed with white or golden beaches. Other islands that lure travelers are those with a bit of mystery, islands with luxuriant jungles, verdant valleys and stunning peaks. However, in recent times…


The 11 Most Powerful Passports In The World

The global rankings for the Most Powerful Passports in 2019 were recently published by the Henley Passport Index and have 31 countries occupying the top 10 positions. The rankings which were started in 2005 takes into account the passports of 199 nations and the visa-free travel access that citizens of those nations have to visit…