Top 10 Things To Do in Amritsar

Top 10 Things To Do In Amritsar

Located in the northwest region of India, Amritsar is one of the most historic cities of northern India and is mostly famous for two things – rich culture and delicious food. You would hear “Sat Sri Akal”, the colloquial greeting, in every hook and corner of the place. If you are on an exploration to…

Top Things To Do in Kyrgyzstan

Top 10 Things To Do In Kyrgyzstan

Formerly a part of the Soviet Union, Kyrgyzstan is a landlocked country in Central Asia. Although like everywhere many people here also have adopted to modern ways of living but due to its geography, most of the traditional side of the Kyrgyz culture is still intact. Majestic mountains and crystal clear water of its lakes…

Top 7 Things To Do In Mongolia

Top 7 Things To Do In Mongolia

Mongolia lies in central Asia between Siberia and China, at an average of 1,500 meters (5,800 ft) above sea level. It is the least densely populated country on the planet, a vast country with endless grassland, evergreen trees and rugged mountains. However, 45% of the Mongolian population lives in the busy capital, Ulaanbaatar, where life is a lot…

Weird Things That Could Get You Fined in Singapore

Weird Things That Could Get You Fined in Singapore

A visit to the island city-state of Singapore is often a wonderful experience considering its unique nature. However, your stay won’t be short of some limitations since you will need to be cautious in every action that you take. Failure to be wary risks arrest and imprisonment. Below are some of the weird things that…

Top 10 Things To Do In Chiang Mai

Top 10 Things To Do In Chiang Mai

With over 120 magnificent temples, waterfalls and national parks, ancient ruins, fascinating markets, a legacy of 700 years of history and its own distinctive culture; Chiang Mai offers its five million annual tourists tons of awesome attractions. It is definitely one of the most authentic, magical and diverse cities in Southeast Asia and it is easy to feel like you have…

Top 10 Things To Do In Kyoto

Top 10 Things To Do In Kyoto

Standing in stately contrast to the neon-lit adrenaline of Tokyo, Kyoto is quieter, quainter and the perfect place to experience authentic Japanese culture with a plethora of cultural sights. From ancient palaces to hidden temples. Japan’s capital from 794 to 1868, Kyoto, is famous for its Geisha district and is an important city in Japan’s history. With…


Tashirojima: The Japanese Island Ruled by Cats

A 40-minute ferry ride from Ishinomaki, near Sendai, will get you to a small island named Tashirojima. This is the only island in the world where cats outnumber humans. You will find here a population of 100 people and several hundred cats. Tashirojima is located in the Pacific Ocean off the Oshika Peninsula.Cats were first…

Amazing Light Show at Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort

Amazing Light Show at Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort

We have seen a couple of impressive architectural works of art in China, yet we didn’t see this one coming. The Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort joins these high tech, eye-catching architectural achievements and achieved international wow-coverage for its extraordinary ring-shaped design, which has been compared to both a horseshoe and a donut, and which loops…

Top 8 Things To Do In And Around Agra

Top 8 Things To Do In And Around Agra

Famed for nestling Taj Mahal, one of the seven wonders of the modern world, Agra is a trip to remember. This astonishing Indian city is located some 200 km (124 miles) from New Delhi, and has witnessed the construction of numerous buildings on an elaborate scale. It is home to various monuments which are quite magnificent…

Top 6 Things To Do In Guangzhou

Top 6 Things To Do In Guangzhou

Located on the Pearl River, about 120 km (75 miles) north-northwest of Hong Kong and 145 km (90 miles) north of Macau, Guangzhou offers all the hustle, bustle, culture and commerce of other major Asian metropolises minus the massive tourist crowds. Guangzhou provides a combination of ancient structures and traditional cultural heritage with modern buildings, art galleries, natural…

15 Photos That Will Make You Want To Visit Israel

15 Photos That Will Make You Want To Visit Israel

Just over 400 km (250 miles) long and 112 km (70 miles) wide at its widest point, Israel can be covered in a matter of hours, but we can assure you that you will want to stay for much longer. Home to some of the world’s most famous historic sites, gorgeous coastlines and rugged deserts, Israel…

Top 10 Things To Do In New Delhi

Top 10 Things To Do In New Delhi

New Delhi, one of the fastest-growing cities in the world, is the capital city of the Republic of India. Built on the banks of the Yamuna river, New Delhi is a beautiful blend of historical past and a vibrant present and visitors are always awed by it. Check out our Top 10 Things To Do…

Top 10 Things To Do In Pattaya

Top 10 Things To Do In Pattaya

If you visit Thailand’s east coast, you will find yourself in Pattaya, the city of enchanting nightlife and beautiful beaches. But that is not what Pattaya is all about, there are lots of family-friendly attractions and activities you can do here, so we made a list of the Top 10 Things To Do In Pattaya to help…

Top 9 Things To Do In Shenzhen

Top 9 Things To Do In Shenzhen

Shenzhen, a modern and beautiful metropolis located in southern China just across the border from Hong Kong, is the world’s largest manufacturing center and China’s richest and most booming Special Economic Zone. Once a small fishing village, Shenzen was chosen as the first of five Special Economic Zones in China by Deng Xiaoping in 1979 as an experiment in…

Top 10 Things To Do In Phu Quoc

Top 10 Things To Do In Phu Quoc

Situated in the Gulf of Thailand, Phu Quoc is a very mountainous and densely forested Vietnamese Island. Shaped like a “tear”, it is approx. 48 km (30 miles) in length south to north at its longest point and 19 km (12 miles) at its widest point. Whether you are here to relax on sun-kissed beaches,…

Top 7 Things To Do In Bangladesh

Top 7 Things To Do In Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a beautiful country (which most people skip) with exotic beaches, hills, forests, natural wonders and colorful cultural life. It has a delicate and distinctive attraction of its own to offer and it is definitely not a tourist haunt like Nepal or India. Here you will find historical buildings, archaeological sites, the world’s longest…

Top 10 Things To Do In Indonesia

Top 10 Things To Do In Indonesia

Scattered across the equatorial region is Indonesia, the most southeastern country of Asia. With over 13,466 islands, approximately 6,000 of them still remain uninhabited, it is the largest archipelago country in the world. The country is best known for its temples, beaches, volcanoes and jungles, which shelter tigers, elephants and the famous and scary Komodo…

Top 10 Things to Do In Vietnam

Top 10 Things To Do In Vietnam

Located in Southeast Asia, Vietnam is an incredibly exotic and unbelievably exciting country to visit, known for its wild jungles, beaches, rivers, floating markets, Buddhist pagodas, historical ruins, and bustling cities. Vietnam deserves to be on every traveler’s hit list. The list below of the Top 10 Things to Do In Vietnam will take you…

Top 9 Things to do In Sri Lanka

Top 9 Things To Do In Sri Lanka

Home to  8 UNESCO World Heritage sites, Sri Lanka is a tiny island nation south of India in the Indian Ocean. A rugged land of misty mountains and rainforest, golden beaches and diverse wildlife with mighty elephants, stealthy leopards and giant whales. Marco Polo described it as the finest island of its size in the world,…

Top 13 Things To Do In Iran

Top 13 Things To Do In Iran

Iran, an Islamic republic on the Persian Gulf is one of the world’s oldest continuous civilizations and Iranians are proud of their 5000 years of history, seeing themselves on par with Greece and Rome. Come and discover an unexpected beautiful land, ancient historical cities and unique cultural treasures, largely unseen by western eyes. Iran has…

Top 7 Things To Do In Armenia

Top 7 Things To Do In Armenia

The first Christian nation, Armenia, is an ancient kingdom that has been passed from empire to empire until it gained its independence from the Soviet Union. Armenia is home to world heritage sites, old monasteries and a laid back, friendly culture. It is usually not the first country that will come into your mind but…

Top 8 Things To Do In Kathmandu

Top 8 Things To Do In Kathmandu

When people hear the word Kathmandu, all they imagine is a small village filled with rickshaws and cattle all over the place, but Nepal’s capital is more than that. It is chaotic and peaceful at the same time. No matter where you come from Vienna, Monaco or Zurich, Kathmandu’s fast pace is contagious. It is…