12 Most Polluted Cities In The World

12 Most Polluted Cities In The World

Every year, the World Health Organization releases its list of the world’s most polluted cities and this year, nearly all of them are in India. While the list mainly focuses on air quality, it does consider other types of pollution. Not only do these cities experience a higher rate of health conditions, but pollution also…

12 Places To Visit Before They Disappear

12 Places To Visit Before They Disappear

Traveling the world has been a lifelong dream for many of us. Yet our dreams are challenged year-by-year against some natural conditions causing the extinction of both more familiar and off-the-beaten-track places around the world and their ecosystems. Thousands of indigenous species, habitats, islands and mountains have been at risk for several decades now, perhaps,…

Top Things To Do in Kyrgyzstan

Top 10 Things To Do In Kyrgyzstan

Formerly a part of the Soviet Union, Kyrgyzstan is a landlocked country in Central Asia. Although like everywhere many people here also have adopted to modern ways of living but due to its geography, most of the traditional side of the Kyrgyz culture is still intact. Majestic mountains and crystal clear water of its lakes…

Step Inside Chefchaouen - Morocco's Blue City

Step Inside Chefchaouen – Morocco’s Blue City

Chefchaouen, a small town in northern Morocco, has a rich history, beautiful natural surroundings, and wonderful architecture. But what it’s most famous for are the vivid blue walls of many of the buildings. Founded in 1471, Chefchaouen began as a small Moorish fortress for exiles from Spain, gradually welcoming Jews and Christian converts as well.…

10 Most Bizarre Prisons in the World

10 Most Bizarre Prisons In The World

From prisons with physical abuse, severe overcrowding and gang violence to luxurious and ecological prisons. Check out the 10 Most Bizarre Prisons in the World. San Pedro Prison, Bolivia 1 San Pedro prison, the biggest in Bolivia‘s main city, La Paz, holds around 3,000 dangerous inmates. in San Pedro, prisoners must buy their cells when…

World's first Smurf Village- Júzcar

World’s first Smurf Village: Juzcar

For hundreds of years the houses of the tiny village of Júzcar in the Spanish province of Andalucía, were whitewashed. Nowadays it is the World’s first Smurf Village. [booking_product_helper shortname=”juzcar”] In 2010, Júzcar was chosen by Sony Pictures as the setting for the premiere of their new film “The Smurfs 3D”. Sony Pictures made a terrible movie, but did one…

Top 8 Things To Do In Easter Island

Top 8 Things To Do In Easter Island

Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui, is a tiny volcanic island halfway between Oceania and South America, at the southeasternmost point of the Polynesian triangle. Easter Island is mostly famous for the Moai, massive human figures carved from stone by the Rapa Nui people between 1250 and 1500 AD. The 887 giant Moai statues…

The 10 Most Beautiful Towns In Andalucia

The 10 Most Beautiful Towns In Andalucía

One of the many wonderful things about southern Spain is that there are so many little villages to discover. Andalucía, a rocky, sun-baked region on Spain’s southern coast, has its own character and its own specialties, which makes every trip an authentic experience. Instead of visiting only Málaga, Granada, Córdoba or Seville, try exploring the…

10 Best Amusement Parks In The World

10 Best Amusement Parks In The World

Nothing beats the thrill of your first childhood theme park visit. Millions of visitors to the world’s most popular theme parks agree: these rides, shows, and costumed characters are worth the waits. Enjoy our list of the 10 Best Amusement Parks In The World. Magic Kingdom, Orlando, Florida 1 Magic Kingdom is the place where every…

Top 7 Things To Do In Mongolia

Top 7 Things To Do In Mongolia

Mongolia lies in central Asia between Siberia and China, at an average of 1,500 meters (5,800 ft) above sea level. It is the least densely populated country on the planet, a vast country with endless grassland, evergreen trees and rugged mountains. However, 45% of the Mongolian population lives in the busy capital, Ulaanbaatar, where life is a lot…